The Park

The Park was commissioned by the deCordova Museum and filmed on site in the sculpture park. A finite set of actions, poses and exchanges occur as recursive iterations between three simultaneous screens. Sol Lewitt’s Tower, initially foregrounded in each scene, recedes throughout the duration of a long zoom and push forward into the landscape, placing the viewer at the center of a portrait in flux.
Actors: Georgia Lyman, John Kuntz, Paula McGonagle, Masha Obolensky, Omar Robinson, Andrea Southwick
DP, Post Production, Conform: Sarah Lasley
AC: Matt Thurber
2nd AC: Eduardo Restrepo
PA / Media Loader: Cindy Burton
PA: Brandi Diaz
Sound Recorder: Djim Reynolds
Audio Mix: Paul Geluso
Still Photography: Dan Boardman
Production Coordinator: Erin Poor
Museum Interns – Julia Moody, Carly Bristow
Director, Editor, Producer: Alix Pearlstein
Platform 14, a new project commissioned by the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, for an exhibition curated by Dina Deitsch, May 16-October 13, 2014.
Installation View - deCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA
PLATFORM 14: Alix Pearlstein, The Park | deCordova
The Park. 3-Channel Sync. HD. Color. Sound. 03:51 Minutes. 2014.